At OnShelf Pharma, we believe in taking ownership for maximising growth on the brands that we service. We achieve this through premium data analysis and partnering with key suppliers in the brand development value chain. Partnering with power partners allows us to differentiate and build on our market offering with expertise.

OnShelf is supported by the following technologies
– Qlikview – Repwise –

IN STOCK, ON SHELF, ALL THE TIME We act as an extension of our clients brands, ensuring the best representation of their brand in retail environments. DRIVE GROWTH AND INNOVATION We have a growth mind set towards our clients, our business, our people and ourselves. We encourage innovation, we will take considered risks. DELIVER GREAT SERVICE We anticipate the needs of our clients and customers, both internal and external. We are driven to give all we deal with extraordinary service. PASSION We have strong emotional connection to the outcome of our work and the well-being of our people.Who is Onshelf FMCG?
ACT WITH INTEGRITY We act consistently in a way that is aligned to our values. We are always open and transparent. We share news, both good and bad, with equal enthusiasm and speed. RESULTS ORIENTATED We drive clear and objective targets, monitor and communicate results. We aim to exceed expectations. URGENCY We maintain our performance standards and meet our commitments. We create structured environments with a clear deliverables and deadlines.What we do
Our Promise
BE DISCIPLINED We manage expectations and avoid disappointment. We respond and act quickly.

QlikView Is a Powerful, Independent and Customisable business intellegence program with an interface that is easy to navigate.Who is QlikView?
Only QlikView brings together a comprehensive, platform-based approach that answers all of your data discovery needs. Customise your data analysis to adress your business needs.What we do
Simple interfaces that are designed for both rich visualizations and deep data exploration to help you business manage and identify hidden points of profit. Go to http://www.qlikview.co.za/?m=1 for more informationOur Promise